
logobottom– Maryland Humanities Council

SU Logo– Stevenson University

Stevenson University is known as a university where first generation universians can learn and thrive. Half of the students are the first in their families to attend university. Consequently, the university experience is new not only for the students, but also for their families. They need to find their way of assimilating into a university community – without benefit of parents and / or siblings who have college experience – much like the women interviewed in the film need to make their way in their new country.

One of the unique aspects of making this film at Stevenson is the opportunity for significant collaboration between students and faculty members of different disciplines. During the preproduction stage, faculty members from different departments are working together to create and foster the interdisciplinary approach of this project. As the documentary is produced, students become part of the collaboration which is in keeping with Stevenson’s emphasis on the blending of academic theory with real world work experience. Finally, once the film is completed, it will be used as a curriculum tool in the following academic departments:

  • Sociology
  • Anthropology
  • Women’s studies

Stevenson University has established relationships with other educational institutions, both secondary and higher education, which will provide an opportunity to encourage vital discussion about the historical and sociological impact of the current wave of immigration.

firn– FIRN

dhr– Department of Human Resources
– Maryland Office for New Americans

brc– Baltimore Resettlement Center